Sunday, December 02, 2007

just in cases

things i enjoy about living on the 14th floor:

  • the view of the washington monument... ok , it's only the tip but it's still in my view - on a clear day
  • that goes for the air force memorial too.
  • my july 4th party = full view of the fireworks sans crowds and parking issues
  • i can see if 395 is backed up
  • the roar of 395 isn't as loud on this floor
  • i don't feel guilty taking the elevator (i did when i lived on 5)
  • the neighbors i have on this floor are friendly -- but keep to themselves
things that aren't so great about living on the 14th floor:
  • i can see various motels, 4 mile run, and gas stations along with my monument view
  • it's a pain in the ass when you forget something in your car
  • it's really the 13th floor, and certain people won't let you forget it
  • when there is a fire, you have to walk down 14th flights of stairs, not knowing where the fire really is
so, there was a fire in my building today. as far as i know, there was a some renovation work - possibly electric - on the 15th floor and it caught fire. the only damage was to the 15th and 16th floors; there was no one injured so that's fine. it's a little scary that my safety (and my things) are at the mercy of my neighbors watchful (or not-so-watchful) eyes. i guess that's my risk in owning a condo right?

in a effort not to be a stupid girl during what could have been a tragic incident, i decided that i would go down as is, with only my phone and keys in hand. yeah... did i mention that i went out funleah style last night and decided to have a lazy sunday in my pajamas? fourteen floors is a long way if you have to escape something. and i'm not about to be known as the girl who died in the fire because she stayed to change her clothes. there are less stupid things that i could die from. you know, like skydiving.

it was fun(ny) to see my neighbors in the lobby showered and dressed, or even coming home from lunch or church, while my lazy ass was in pajamas and had mussed hair. i mean, seriously, it's a filipino mother's nightmare. [insert your filipino mother's version about why girls should always have matching bra and panties here] and if you're not filipino, ask one of your friends during a happy hour. it's ridiculous and somewhat hilarious.

although not a fun event and certainly not how i wanted to spend 2 hours of my afternoon, laughing about my mom's "rule" helped keep my head on straight while most others were worried about elderly neighbors, pets they left behind or their stuff. i really must check on my fire extinguisher... and get new pajamas.

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